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Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Watch from Apple

Apple iWatch

It’s an incredibly accurate timepiece. A device that helps you stay on schedule, in touch, and headed in the right direction. And a health and fitness companion that never stops thinking of ways for you to be more active and fit. Apple Watch is all these things. Which makes it so much more than just a watch. But precisely what we think a watch should be.

A new look at timekeeping.
We all share the same hours, minutes, and seconds. But what happens during that time is different for everyone. So Apple Watch doesn’t just keep accurate time. It allows you to see time in the ways that are most meaningful — and useful — to you.

Working with iPhone, Apple Watch continually checks against the definitive global time standard with the same precision found in GPS satellites. If you move from one time zone to another, Apple Watch automatically adjusts. When daylight saving time begins, Apple Watch simply changes to the new time. So you never once have to set it yourself.

Over two million ways to see time.
Each Apple Watch comes with a range of watch faces you can change whenever you like. You can also add specialized functions — known in watchmaking as complications — to most faces. Choose stopwatches, stock quotes, weather updates, and more. When you combine all the possible options, the opportunities for personalization are virtually endless.

More immediate,
intimate ways to connect.
You won’t just see and respond to messages, calls, and notifications easily and intuitively.
You’ll actually feel them. With Apple Watch, every exchange is less about reading words on a screen. And more about making a genuine connection.

Stay closer to the people you care about.

Now your inner circle is always nearby. Press the button next to the Digital Crown to access Friends, a place where you’ll see thumbnails of those you like to stay in touch with most. Tap one to send a message, make a call, or reach out in one of the new ways only Apple Watch makes possible.

Messages, calls, and mail. Tailored for your wrist.
Apple Watch adds a new dimension to the way you communicate. In just a glance it shows you who’s contacting you. It even gets your attention the way another person would — by tapping you. There are subtle audio cues, too. The experience is discreet and nuanced, with different types of notifications having their own unique character.

Start an entirely new kind of conversation.
You don’t even have to use words. The Digital Touch features on Apple Watch give you fun, spontaneous ways to connect with other Apple Watch wearers, wrist to wrist.

Activity App. 
There’s more than one way to look at fitness.

The Activity app on Apple Watch provides a simple and powerful graphic of your daily activity, with three rings telling you everything you need to know. The Move ring shows how many calories you’ve burned. The Exercise ring shows how many minutes of brisk activity you’ve done. And the Stand ring shows how often you’ve stood up to take a break from sitting. The goal? Sit less, move more, and get some exercise by completing each ring every day.

Move. Each week, Apple Watch suggests a new Move goal for how many active calories to burn per day, based on your recent history. Adjust it up or down until it feels just right. You close the Move ring when you meet your personal active calorie burn goal for the day.
Exercise. Any activity performed at the level of a brisk walk or above is considered exercise. And Apple Watch keeps track of how much you do each day, even when it’s not in the context of a dedicated workout. You close the Exercise ring when you reach the globally recommended 30 minutes of exercise a day.
Stand. Apple Watch senses when you stand up and gives you credit when you do. So you can minimize your sedentary time throughout the day. If you’ve been sitting too long, it reminds you to get up. You close the Stand ring when you’ve stood for at least one minute in 12 different hours during the day.

Workout App.
More detailed measurement when you need it most.

Whenever you’re doing a dedicated cardio workout, use the Workout app built into Apple Watch. It shows real-time stats such as time, distance, calories, and pace. It lets you set goals for each workout, encourages you to meet or beat those goals along the way, and gives you a summary of what you’ve achieved. And your workout is included in your Activity app measurements for the day.

Goals. The Workout app suggests personalized goals based on your workout history. For example, you’ll always see your best effort posted, and if your last run was 30 minutes, that will be one of the quick-start options. You can select it, increase or decrease it, or choose a different goal based on how far you want to go or how many calories you want to burn.
Reminders. During your workout, Apple Watch provides timely encouragement by letting you know when you’re halfway there or almost done. It also gives you a detailed summary of your workout so you can stay motivated to reach new milestones.
Achievements. When you reach a personal best in the Workout app or hit a milestone in the Activity app, Apple Watch is quick to celebrate. You’ll earn special badges for a variety of achievements. Not only is it a nice reminder of what you’ve accomplished, but it also encourages you to keep going.

Track your progress over time on iPhone.
Apple Watch lets you see your daily activity at a glance. To see your progress and trends over longer periods of time, there’s Fitness — an Apple Watch companion app on your iPhone. You can view your activity history, workouts, and achievements by the day, the week, and the month. And it’s easy to zoom in on the details to see just how far you’ve come. There’s also a Health app on iPhone that allows you to share your activity and workout data with your favorite third-party health and fitness apps.

Your wallet. Without the wallet.
Apple Pay is a more convenient, secure way to pay using just your Apple Watch. Now you can buy coffee, groceries, and more right from your wrist. With a simple setup, you can use your credit and debit cards at hundreds of thousands of U.S. locations, with more to come.

A fast, easy, secure way to pay.
Passbook on Apple Watch not only keeps your tickets, boarding passes, and loyalty cards together in one instantly accessible place, it also lets you securely use your credit and debit
cards. It’s secure because your actual card numbers are never shared with merchants or transmitted with payment. Instead, Apple Watch creates a Device Account Number for each card. When you make a purchase, this number is used to process your payment, along with a transaction-specific dynamic security code. To pay with Apple Watch, just double-click the button next to the Digital Crown and hold your wrist up to the contactless reader. You’ll hear and feel a confirmation from Apple Watch once your payment information is sent.

A whole new era for apps.
Apple Watch isn’t just a different location for your favorite apps. It’s an entirely different way to experience them. A time-saving feature called Glances condenses the most relevant information from each app into a form you can easily scan on the fly. And because Apple Watch can tap you on the wrist, you’ll be aware of notifications instantly.

see the video from you tube 

source apple
by s!non

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