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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

TaskOne multiplies its iPhone multi-tool

TaskOne multiplies its iPhone multi-tool

The toolsets of the MyTask slide in and out of the back of the case

TaskLab's original TaskOne iPhone multi-tool case packs a variety of tools and implements, but apparently the company feels it doesn't offer enough. It's back with an even more versatile iPhone multi-tool. The MyTask could effectively be called a multi multi-tool, giving buyers two sets of tools for different activities.

The MyTask comes in Urban, Bike and Stash styles

The MyTask polycarbonate case, which fits the iPhone 5 and 5s, includes a flat, slide-out back that holds a series of stainless steel and polycarbonate tools. Instead of just offering a one-size-fits-all toolset, like other multi-tool cases do, TaskLab offers two different sets designed around different styles of activity.

The MyTask includes a soft-touch coating

A general EDC-style tool kit, the Urban tool tray packs scissors, tweezers, a bottle opener, a USB drive, a stylus, a pen and other tools that could come in handy around the house, office or town. The Bike version packs 18 bike-specific wrenches, drivers and tools, along with tire patches and sand paper, making it perfect for work commuters or serious cyclists. You can see photos labeled with all the specific tools in our photo gallery.

The MyTask case hides some handy tools underneath

To switch from "urban" to "bike" mode, you simply slide the urban tray out and replace it with the bike tray. It's an easy way to keep prepared for life's curve balls.

The Bike toolset includes Allen wrenches, tire levers, screwdrivers, spoke wrenches and ot...

TaskLab also offers a 3.5-mm-deep, empty "Stash" storage tray that can hold cards, bills and other small items. It plans to develop additional toolsets in the future, bringing even more function to the case. It also plans to make future cases (e.g. iPhone 6 and 7) compatible with the current-generation tool trays so that you don't have to start from scratch when you get a new phone.

MyTask Urban kit

TaskLab has launched a Kickstarter campaign to raise money for MyTask development. Pledges of $30 secure a case with empty Stash tray, while $50 gets a Urban or Bike version.

MyTask Bike kit

We like the versatility of this platform but feel like it needs more trays. Sound off on what types of toolsets you'd like to see developed in the comments section below.

Source: TaskLab

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